MD thesis
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Title page; contents; preface; abstract; acknowledgements; abbreviations; publications; list of figures; list of tables. (Pages i-xviii.)

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Chapter 1, Introduction.
Overview; normative and behavioural economic approaches to decision making; basic psychology of reinforcement learning; delayed and uncertain reinforcement: the problems of learning and choice; individual differences: risk taking and impulsivity; learning with delayed reinforcement in normal animals; choice with delayed and uncertain reinforcement in normal animals; systemic pharmacological studies of delayed or uncertain reinforcement; anatomy and connections of key limbic structures; basic neurobiology of reinforcement learning; neuroanatomically specific studies of delayed or uncertain reinforcement; outline of experimental work in this thesis. (Pages 1-50.)
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a) Annals NYAS [17]
b) Neural Networks [28]

Chapter 2, Nucleus accumbens core lesions retard instrumental learning and performance with delayed reinforcement in the rat, but do not impair reinforcer magnitude discrimination.
The effect of excitotoxic AcbC lesions on learning of a free-operant task with delays of 0, 10, or 20 s between responses on the reinforced lever and reinforcer delivery. The effect of AcbC lesions on performance of the same task. The effect of AcbC lesions on performance of a task assessing "matching" behaviour across two levers producing different magnitudes of reinforcement on schedules otherwise of the same density. Effects on locomotor activity and body mass. Discussion. (Pages 51-80.)

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BMC Neuroscience [23]

Chapter 3, Hippocampal lesions facilitate instrumental learning with delayed reinforcement but induce impulsive choice in rats.
The effects of excitotoxic lesions of the whole hippocampus on learning of the free-operant delayed-reinforcement task used in Chapter 2. The effect of the same lesions on performance of a task involving choice between small, immediate reward and large, delayed reward. Effects on locomotor activity, body mass, and food consumption. Discussion. (Pages 81-107.)

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BMC Neuroscience [25]

Chapter 4, Effects of lesions of the nucleus accumbens core on choice between small certain rewards and large uncertain rewards in rats.
Effects of excitotoxic AcbC lesions on performance of a task involving choice between a small, certain reward and a large, uncertain reward. Effects of hunger and satiety on performance of this task. Effects on locomotor activity and body mass. Discussion. (Pages 108-128.)

PDF, 1.0 Mb BMC Neuroscience [26]

Chapter 5, General discussion.
Overview. Summary of results (role of the AcbC in learning with delayed reward; role of the AcbC in assessing reward magnitude; role of the hippocampus in learning with and choosing delayed reward; role of the AcbC in choosing uncertain reward). Wider implications (the hippocampus and time-limited memory storage; ADHD; adolescent impulsivity; integration of AcbC functions with respect to impulsivity; addiction). Conclusions: neural systems involved in delay and risk assessment. (Pages 129-151.)

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a) Foresight [27]
b) Neural Networks [28]

References and Index of Authors. (Pages 152-192.)

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