R: Analysis of variance (ANOVA)
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This short guide is oriented towards those making the conversion from SPSS to R for ANOVA.
Analysis of variance in R is performed using one of the following methods, where depvar indicates the dependent variable and predictors is an expression describing the predictors (discussed below). Optional parameters (such as which data set to look for variables in) may also be necessary, but as a summary:
By default, R uses Type I sums of squares, and SPSS uses Type III sums of squares. What's the difference, and what's best?
See Entering data and Saving and loading for details of how to get data into a data frame.
The most generally useful format (for communication with data sources such as relational databases, etc.) is "long" format data frames, in which each row equates to one observation. R also likes this format. See Reshaping data frames for more details. We'll assume "long" format unless otherwise specified.
Prerequisites for individual functions:
library(ez) # for any of the ez* functions
Prerequisites for test data used in this page: see test code below.
Between-subjects means, SDs, and Fisher's LSD:
ezStats(dataframe, dv=.(depvar(s)), wid=.(subjectidentifier), within=.(withinsubjectvariable(s)), between=.(betweensubjectvariable(s)), otheroptions)
Means, if you use the aov analysis command:
fit <- aov(...something...) model.tables(fit, "means") # or of effects (differences from the overall mean(s)): model.tables(fit, "effects")
Quick diagnostics (e.g. residuals plots), if you use the aov analysis command:
fit <- aov(...something...) plot(fit)
# Only basic syntax given; see ?ezPlot for more. Not all options are required. ezPlot(dataframe, dv=.(depvar(s)), wid=.(subjectidentifier), within=.(withinsubjectvariable(s)), between=.(betweensubjectvariable(s)), x=.(X-axis variable), x_lab=X-axis_label, y_lab=X-axis_label, split=.(variable to split data by (shapes/colours/line type)), split_lab=key_labels_for_splitting, row=.(variable to split data into rows of graphs by), col=.(variable to split data into columns of graphs by), do_lines=whether_to_connect_with_lines, do_bars=whether_to_plot_error_bars )
The numbering follows chapter 8 of Cardinal & Aitken (2006). We use depvar for the dependent variable, A, B, ... for between-subjects factors, S for subjects, U, V, ... for within-subjects factors, and Xdetails for continuous covariates.
Alternative names: one-way ANOVA; completely randomized design (CRD).
There are several ways to do the syntax in R. I'll highlight the ezANOVA one, since this translates easily to more complex designs.
# Lots of ways... here are a few. "data1" is my data frame. ezANOVA(data1, dv=.(depvar), wid=.(S), between=.(A), detailed=TRUE) anova( aov(depvar ~ A, data=data1) ) anova( lm(depvar ~ A, data=data1) ) Anova( lm(depvar ~ A, data=data1) )
Cross-comparison to SPSS 17 with:
The cross-comparison gives identical results for the ANOVA. SPSS (with this option) produces Levene's test with slightly different statistics to R with the syntax shown above; this is because SPSS defaults to the "mean-centred" version of Levene's test, while R (car and ezANOVA packages alike) defaults to the "median-centred" version, which is (a) usually more robust, and (b) strictly called the Brown–Forsythe test; see these NIST and Wikipedia pages for explanations. To get the same version of Levene's test that SPSS uses, you can use this syntax:
leveneTest(depvar~A, data=dataframe, center=mean) # Levene's test in its original form. This function is in the car library (car::leveneTest). ezANOVA(data1, dv=.(depvar), wid=.(S), between=.(A), detailed=TRUE, levenecenter="mean") # if you use my hacked version of ezANOVA
Alternative names: two-way ANOVA; factorial ANOVA; a × b factorial ANOVA (where a and b are the number of levels of factors A and B; for example, a "2 × 5 factorial" has one factor with 2 levels and a second factor with 5 levels); factorial, completely randomized design ANOVA.
R methods include:
# Type II SS ezANOVA(data2, dv=.(depvar), wid=.(S), between=.(A,B), detailed=TRUE) # Type III SS ezANOVA(data2, dv=.(depvar), wid=.(S), between=.(A,B), detailed=TRUE, type="III", levenecenter="mean") # Yet more methods... with(data2, { # aov / anova : Type I : A*B anova( aov(depvar ~ A*B) ) # aov / anova : Type I : B*A (different answer - different model order) anova( aov(depvar ~ B*A) ) # lm / anova : Type I: A*B anova( lm(depvar ~ A*B) ) # lm / anova : Type I: B*A (different answer to the previous - different model order) anova( lm(depvar ~ B*A) ) # lm / Anova, default option : Type II Anova( lm(depvar ~ A*B) ) # CRUD FOLLOWS: if your output matches that of what follows, the wrong contrasts are set in the attempt to get Type III output # If you use the drop1() command below without setting any options, you'll get rubbish, because "contr.treatment" is the default when R starts cat("WARNING: THE NEXT ONE IS RUBBISH!\n") options(contrasts=c("contr.treatment", "contr.poly")); drop1( aov(depvar ~ A*B), ~., test="F" ) cat("WARNING: THE ONE ABOVE IS RUBBISH!\n") # sum-to-zero contrasts / aov / drop1 : Type III (correctly!) options(contrasts=c("contr.sum", "contr.poly")); drop1( aov(depvar ~ A*B), ~., test="F" ) # sum-to-zero contrasts / lm / Anova, with Type III option (correctly!) options(contrasts=c("contr.sum", "contr.poly")); Anova( lm(depvar ~ A*B), type="III" ) }
Cross-comparison of the type III method (e.g. with ezANOVA) to SPSS 17 gives identical output (using the "levenecenter=mean" option if you want to use Levene's original test, like SPSS does) to the following SPSS syntax:
Alternative names: a × b × c factorial ANOVA (where a, b, and c are the number of levels of factors A, B, and C; for example, a "2 × 5 × 3 factorial" has three factors with 2, 5, and 3 levels, respectively); factorial, completely randomized design ANOVA.
R: e.g.
# Compare to 2 BS factors. I'll just illustrate the ezANOVA syntax here. # Type II ezANOVA(data3, dv=.(depvar), wid=.(S), between=.(A,B,C), detailed=TRUE, type="II") # Type III ezANOVA(data3, dv=.(depvar), wid=.(S), between=.(A,B,C), detailed=TRUE, type="III")
Cross-comparison (of ezANOVA / type III SS / Levene's test centred on the mean) gives identical output to SPSS 17 with this syntax:
Alternative names: repeated-measures ANOVA (with one factor); randomized complete block (RCB) design (with one factor); single-factor within-subjects design.
Simplest R method (type II/III SS being equivalent as this design is necessarily balanced, given the prerequisite of all subjects being measured in all conditions, so the "type" specification is redundant):
ezANOVA(data4, dv=.(depvar), wid=.(S), within=.(U), detailed=TRUE) # But for the masochists, also: summary(aov(depvar ~ U + Error( S/U ), data=data4 ) ) # Direct long-format analysis; no sphericity analysis/corrections summary( Anova( lm(formula = cbind(U1, U2, U3) ~ 1, data=data4wide), # direct wide-format analysis idata = data.frame( U = factor(1:3) ), # the idata data frame must have (1) rows that, in order, each represent a column in the data frame being analysed by the lm; (2) columns that are the within-subjects factors idesign = ~U ) ) # lme - IN PROGRESS # lmer - IN PROGRESS
SPSS equivalents (same as R ezANOVA output including Mauchly/Huynh–Feldt/Greenhouse–Geisser):
/* wide format (standard) */ GLM U1 U2 U3 /WSFACTOR=U 3 Polynomial /METHOD=SSTYPE(3) /CRITERIA=ALPHA(.05) /WSDESIGN=U. /* Unconventional long format analysis (omits sphericity analysis/corrections): */ UNIANOVA depvar BY U S /RANDOM=S /METHOD=SSTYPE(3) /INTERCEPT=INCLUDE /CRITERIA=ALPHA(0.05) /DESIGN=S U. /* Could also use this - same answer - but no value given for S(ubject)*U interaction, as this is confounded with error: */ UNIANOVA depvar BY S U /RANDOM=S /METHOD=SSTYPE(3) /INTERCEPT=INCLUDE /CRITERIA=ALPHA(0.05) /DESIGN=S U S*U. /* No Levene's test: no between-subjects factors */
Alternative names: repeated-measures ANOVA (with two factors); randomized complete block (RCB) design (with two factors); two-factor within-subjects design; split-block design.
R methods:
# Design necessarily balanced so "type" specification redundant (delete a subject: remains balanced; delete an observation: won't analyse, just like SPSS Repeated Measures) ezANOVA(data5, dv=.(depvar), wid=.(S), within=.(U,V), detailed=TRUE) # or, the harder ways: (1) direct analysis of long-format data (no sphericity analysis/corrections)... summary(aov(depvar ~ U * V + Error( S/(U*V) ), data=data5 ) ) # ... and direct wide-format analysis (gives sphericity corrections): summary( Anova( lm(formula = cbind(U1V1, U1V2, U1V3, U2V1, U2V2, U2V3) ~ 1, data=data5wide), idata = data.frame( U = factor(c(1,1,1,2,2,2)), V = factor(c(1,2,3,1,2,3)) ), idesign = ~U*V ) ) # lme - IN PROGRESS # lmer - IN PROGRESS
R's ezANOVA methods give the same output as the following SPSS syntax:
/* wide format (standard) */ GLM U1V1 U1V2 U1V3 U2V1 U2V2 U2V3 /WSFACTOR=U 2 Polynomial V 3 Polynomial /METHOD=SSTYPE(3) /CRITERIA=ALPHA(.05) /WSDESIGN=U V U*V. /* Unconventional long format analysis (omits sphericity analysis/corrections) - full model; same answer as previous syntax: */ GLM depvar BY U V S /RANDOM=S /METHOD=SSTYPE(3) /INTERCEPT=INCLUDE /CRITERIA=ALPHA(0.05) /DESIGN=U V S U*V U*S V*S U*V*S. /* Other models exist; see e.g. Cardinal & Aitken 2006. */ /* No Levene's test: no between-subjects factors */
Alternative names: repeated-measures ANOVA (with three factors); randomized complete block (RCB) design (with three factors); three-factor within-subjects design.
R methods:
# Design necessarily balanced so "type" specification redundant (delete a subject: remains balanced; delete an observation: won't analyse, just like SPSS Repeated Measures) ezANOVA(data6, dv=.(depvar), wid=.(S), within=.(U,V,W), detailed=TRUE) # Or the harder ways: (1) direct long-format analysis (sphericity assumed): summary(aov(depvar ~ U * V * W + Error( S/(U*V*W) ), data=data6 ) ) # ... (2) direct wide-format analysis with car::Anova: summary( Anova( lm(formula = cbind(U1V1W1, U1V1W2, U1V1W3, U1V2W1, U1V2W2, U1V2W3, U1V3W1, U1V3W2, U1V3W3, U2V1W1, U2V1W2, U2V1W3, U2V2W1, U2V2W2, U2V2W3, U2V3W1, U2V3W2, U2V3W3) ~ 1, data=data6wide), idata = data.frame( U = factor(rep(1:2,each=9)), V = factor(rep(1:3,each=3,times=2)), W = factor(rep(1:3,times=6)) ), idesign = ~U*V*W, type = "III" ) ) # lme - IN PROGRESS # lmer - IN PROGRESS
R's ezANOVA methods give the same output as the following SPSS syntax:
/* wide format (standard) */ GLM U1V1W1 U1V1W2 U1V1W3 U1V2W1 U1V2W2 U1V2W3 U1V3W1 U1V3W2 U1V3W3 U2V1W1 U2V1W2 U2V1W3 U2V2W1 U2V2W2 U2V2W3 U2V3W1 U2V3W2 U2V3W3 /WSFACTOR=U 2 Polynomial V 3 Polynomial W 3 Polynomial /METHOD=SSTYPE(3) /CRITERIA=ALPHA(.05) /WSDESIGN=U V W U*V U*W V*W U*V*W. /* Unconventional long format analysis (omits sphericity analysis/corrections) - full model; same answer as previous syntax - slow execution!: */ GLM depvar BY U V W S /RANDOM=S /METHOD=SSTYPE(3) /INTERCEPT=INCLUDE /CRITERIA=ALPHA(0.05) /DESIGN=U V W S U*V U*W U*S V*W V*S W*S U*V*W U*V*S U*W*S V*W*S U*V*W*S. /* Other models exist; see e.g. Cardinal & Aitken 2006. */ /* No Levene's test: no between-subjects factors */
Alternative names: split-plot design; mixed two-factor within-subjects design; repeated measures analysis using a split-plot design; univariate mixed models approach with subject as a random effect.
Our first mixed model. R methods:
# Type II ezANOVA(data7, dv=.(depvar), wid=.(S), between=.(A), within=.(U), detailed=TRUE, type="II") # Type III ezANOVA(data7, dv=.(depvar), wid=.(S), between=.(A), within=.(U), detailed=TRUE, type="III") # The harder ways, as before: summary(aov(depvar ~ A * U + Error( S/U ), data=data7 ) ) # long-format analysis; # BEWARE - provides TYPE I SS (= TYPE II SS IN THIS PARTICULAR DESIGN, as BS/WS factors are always dealt with asymetrically - aov() calls lm() separately for each stratum); # drop1() command can't be used on the aov() result in this case # "aov() is designed for balanced designs, and the results can be hard to interpret without balance" - from ?aov - so avoid. summary( Anova( lm(formula = cbind(U1, U2, U3) ~ A, data=data7wide), idata = data.frame( U = factor(1:3) ), idesign = ~U, type = "III" ) # lme - IN PROGRESS # lmer - IN PROGRESS
R's ezANOVA methods give the same output as the following SPSS syntax, except that ezANOVA doesn't give Levene's test for U1/U2/U3 across levels of A—but you can always do this with leveneTest(U1~A, data=data7wide, center="mean")
, or leveneTest(depvar~A, data=data7[data7$U=="U1",], center="mean")
, and similarly for other levels of U.
/* wide format (standard) */ GLM U1 U2 U3 BY A /WSFACTOR=U 3 Polynomial /METHOD=SSTYPE(3) /PRINT=HOMOGENEITY /CRITERIA=ALPHA(.05) /WSDESIGN=U /DESIGN=A. /* Unconventional long format analysis (omits sphericity analysis/corrections) - full model; THIS ONE NEEDS MANUAL EDITING, NOT THE DEFAULT FROM THE SPSS MENUS; same answer as previous syntax - slow execution!: */ GLM depvar BY A U S /RANDOM=S /METHOD=SSTYPE(3) /INTERCEPT=INCLUDE /CRITERIA=ALPHA(.05) /DESIGN=A S(A) U U*A. /* Including a U*S(A) term is sometimes done - see Cardinal & Aitken (2006) - SPSS default (via its Repeated Measures [wide] mode) is not to */
R methods:
# Type II ezANOVA(data8, dv=.(depvar), wid=.(S), between=.(A,B), within=.(U), detailed=TRUE, type="II") # Type III ezANOVA(data8, dv=.(depvar), wid=.(S), between=.(A,B), within=.(U), detailed=TRUE, type="III") # And now the more complex methods start to become a bit pointless. # First, aov: the problem is that this provides Type I SS (so analysing A*B*U differs from analysing B*A*U), and the drop1() command doesn't like the multi-stratum output from aov(). # summary(aov(depvar ~ A * B * U + Error( S/U ), data=data8 ) ) # BEWARE, as above. # summary(aov(depvar ~ B * A * U + Error( S/U ), data=data8 ) ) # BEWARE, as above. # Next, car::Anova(), but that's what ezANOVA uses, so there's little point: summary( Anova( lm(formula = cbind(U1, U2, U3) ~ A*B, data=data8wide), idata = data.frame( U = factor(1:3) ), idesign = ~U, type = "III" ) ) # lme - IN PROGRESS # lmer - IN PROGRESS
R ezANOVA output matches the following SPSS syntax (you can add Levene's test by hand, exactly as in 8.7 above):
/* wide format (standard) */ GLM U1 U2 U3 BY A B /WSFACTOR=U 3 Polynomial /METHOD=SSTYPE(3) /PRINT=HOMOGENEITY /CRITERIA=ALPHA(.05) /WSDESIGN=U /DESIGN=A B A*B. /* Unconventional long format analysis (omits sphericity analysis/corrections) - full model; THIS ONE NEEDS MANUAL EDITING, NOT THE DEFAULT FROM THE SPSS MENUS; same answer as previous syntax - slow execution!: */ GLM depvar by A B S U /RANDOM = S /METHOD=SSTYPE(3) /INTERCEPT=INCLUDE /CRITERIA=ALPHA(.05) /DESIGN = A B A*B S(A*B) U U*A U*B U*A*B. /* Including a U*S*(A*B) term is sometimes done - see Cardinal & Aitken (2006) - SPSS default (via its Repeated Measures [wide] mode) is not to */
R methods:
# Type II ezANOVA(data8, dv=.(depvar), wid=.(S), between=.(A), within=.(U,W), detailed=TRUE, type="II") # Type III ezANOVA(data8, dv=.(depvar), wid=.(S), between=.(A), within=.(U,W), detailed=TRUE, type="III") # The following also gives type I/II SS (in this particular case equivalent - each term analysed in its own error stratum), from the long-format data: summary(aov(depvar ~ A * U * V + Error( S/(U*V) ), data=data9 ) ) # The following just does what ezANOVA does, using the wide format data directly: summary( Anova( lm(formula = cbind(U1V1, U2V1, U3V1, U1V2, U2V2, U3V2) ~ A, data=data9wide), idata = data.frame( U = factor(rep(1:3,times=2)), V = factor(rep(1:2,each=3) ) ), idesign = ~U*V, type = "III" ) ) # lme - IN PROGRESS # lmer - IN PROGRESS
R ezANOVA output matches the first SPSS syntax shown below. You can add Levene's test using leveneTest(U1V1~A, data=data9wide, center="mean")
, or leveneTest(depvar~A, data=data9[data9$U=="U1" & data9$V=="V1",], center="mean")
, and similarly for other combinations of levels of U and V.
/* wide format (standard) */ GLM U1V1 U1V2 U2V1 U2V2 U3V1 U3V2 BY A /WSFACTOR=U 3 Polynomial V 2 Polynomial /METHOD=SSTYPE(3) /PRINT=HOMOGENEITY /CRITERIA=ALPHA(.05) /WSDESIGN=U V U*V /DESIGN=A. /* NOTE THAT BOTH "LONG" FORMS BELOW CAN GIVE VERY SLIGHT DIFFERENCES TO THE SPSS SYNTAX ABOVE - */ /* - for our sample unbalanced dataset (data9/data9wide), for example, though not for the balanced Myers&Well1995p313 dataset. */ /* Am not exactly sure yet where the difference lies. And both forms below can give different answers to each other. */ /* The differences are for SS(U) and SS(V). */ /* Unconventional long format analysis (omits sphericity analysis/corrections) - NOTE CAVEAT ABOVE */ GLM depvar BY A S U V /RANDOM=S /METHOD=SSTYPE(3) /INTERCEPT=INCLUDE /PRINT=HOMOGENEITY /CRITERIA=ALPHA(.05) /DESIGN=A S(A) U U*A U*S(A) V V*A V*S(A) U*V U*V*A. /* Unconventional long format analysis (omits sphericity analysis/corrections) - NOTE CAVEAT ABOVE */ GLM depvar BY A S U V /RANDOM=S /METHOD=SSTYPE(3) /INTERCEPT=INCLUDE /PRINT=HOMOGENEITY /CRITERIA=ALPHA(.05) /DESIGN=A S(A) U U*A U*S(A) V V*A V*S(A) U*V U*V*A U*V*S(A).
These should now be self-explanatory, at least with the ezANOVA command, which does most of the work for you.
Alternatives names: linear regression; analysis of covariance (ANCOVA)—although traditionally this term isn't applied to a design with no other factors.
R makes linear regression very, very simple. R methods:
with(data11, plot(X, depvar) ) # plot the data fit11.lm <- lm(depvar ~ X, data=data11) # create the linear model, and store it in a variable so we can play with it easily. That's it for the actual regression! The rest is exploration of it: fit11.lm # prints model (with intercept and slope) summary(fit11.lm) # prints residual quantiles, coefficients (with t tests), r-squared, overall F test anova(fit11.lm) # one way to show the ANOVA table (but not the coefficients) Anova(fit11.lm) # and another plot(fit11.lm) # plot some diagnostics (residuals v. fitted values; residual Q-Q plot; scale–location plot; residuals v. leverage plot)
Equivalent SPSS syntax:
Reminding ourselves of what an interaction means in this context (one is present in data12b but not in data12a) (see Cardinal & Aitken 2006 for more discussion):
# Plotting our two example datasets: with(data12a, plot(X, depvar, pch=ifelse(A=="A1","*","o")) ) # plot data with symbols indicating A group membership with(data12b, plot(X, depvar, pch=ifelse(A=="A1","*","o")) ) # plot data with symbols indicating A group membership
Alternative names: analysis of covariance (ANCOVA); analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) assuming homogeneity of regression; traditional ANCOVA.
R methods:
fit12a.lm.nointeraction <- lm(depvar ~ X + A, data=data12a) # Now print the model directly, and/or use summary() and/or Anova() to show the output. # BEWARE anova() AT THIS POINT: analysing lm(depvar ~ X + A) gives different results from analysing lm(depvar ~ A + X), since anova() uses type I SS. # If you do want an ordered (type I) model, anova() gives priority to the earlier terms in the list (i.e. "A + X" prioritizes A over X). # Unless you want to specify an ordered model (and you might!), choose II or III. For example: Anova(fit12a.lm.nointeraction, type="III") # The t-tests that come from summary() are not order-dependent, and appear to be equivalent to Anova(,"type III") output. # Regarding intercepts in linear models: # lm() itself doesn't care whether you use "depvar ~ 1 + X + A" or "depvar ~ X + A" - it includes an intercept term whether or not you specify it. # To get rid of an intercept term (why??) you'd have to call lm() with "depvar ~ 0 + X + A".
Default ANOVA-style SPSS syntax, equivalent to the Anova(,type="III") command shown above:
Alternative names: analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) allowing covariate × factor interaction; analysis of covariance (ANCOVA): full model to check homogeneity of regression; homogeneity-of-slopes design ANCOVA.
R methods:
fit12b.lm.interaction <- lm(depvar ~ X * A, data=data12b) # Now use summary(), or Anova(..., type="III"), or whatever other method you prefer (as above), to show the output.
Equivalent SPSS syntax, as before:
Alternative names: factorial analysis of covariance (factorial ANCOVA).
R methods:
# Assuming no factor x covariate interactions (just the factor x factor interaction): fit13.lm <- lm(depvar ~ X + A*B, data=data13) summary(fit13.lm) Anova(fit13.lm, type="III") # Quick and dirty way of showing group membership on a plot for this example (two factors each with two levels, plus one covariate): with(data13, plot(X, depvar, pch=ifelse(A=="A1",ifelse(B=="B1","*","o"),ifelse(B=="B1","X","+")) )) # plot data with symbols indicating A/B group membership
Equivalent SPSS syntax:
Alternative names: multiple regression; multiple linear regression.
R methods (interactions are not included in this example, as is typical):
fit14.lm <- lm(depvar ~ X1 + X2 + ..., data=data14) summary(fit14.lm) Anova(fit14.lm, type="III") # If you want an ordered model (type I SS): anova(fit14.lm)
Equivalent SPSS syntax (a couple of versions):
Alternative names: factorial analysis of covariance (factorial ANCOVA) with multiple covariates.
R methods (for the example of two covariates X1 and X2, and two factors A and B; the factors are allowed to interact with each other but not with the covariates in this example):
fit15.lm <- lm(depvar ~ X1 + X2 + A*B, data=data15) summary(fit15.lm) Anova(fit15.lm, type="III")
Equivalent SPSS syntax:
UNIANOVA depvar BY a b WITH x1 x2 /METHOD = SSTYPE(3) /INTERCEPT = INCLUDE /CRITERIA = ALPHA(.05) /DESIGN = x1 x2 a b a*b .
Alternative names: multiple regression with the covariate and Subject as predictors.
R methods:
fit16.lm = lm(depvar ~ X + S, data=data16) # Note: S not explicitly treated as random. However, gives correct answer in Bland & Altman/Boyd sample data; RECHECK THEORETICALLY ***. fit16.lm # prints the linear model, with its coefficients (= b values), including that for X summary(fit1.lm) # prints the summary (including coefficients) and t tests Anova(fit1.lm, type="III") # shows it as an ANOVA table # lme - IN PROGRESS # lmer - IN PROGRESS
Equivalent SPSS syntax:
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