ImpulsiveChoice - version_tracker.txt ---------------------------- Version numbers are stored in: (1) .iss file (influences setup display, Control Panel) (2) .rc file (About box) (3) g_strVersion (4) help file (.hm3) (5) web site whatsnew.shtml Version history: 1.0 ... 1.2 - Majority of development done under this number! 2.0 - From point of introducing "default ODBC DSN" system, 15 Aug 2002. - 22-Sep-2002: Integrated HTML help 2.1 - bug fix: missing UpdateData(TRUE) before param dlg called other dlgs and performed UpdateData(FALSE). 2.2 - horiz scroll list box - about button - rnc_random_shuffle 2.3 (22-23 Nov 2003) - writes version number and compilation date to summary file - XML configuration file - delay entry dialogue text changed (said "initial pause in milliseconds"!) - fixed bug in which delay (s) was written to trialrecord delay (ms) field without conversion at call to CTrialRecord::Start - probabilistic choice added - quick-config default buttons 2.4 (23 Nov 2003) - quick config for nosepoke training 2.5 (25 Mar 2004) - filename defaults were .dat, not .xml 2.6 (22 Oct 2004) - bugfix: TrialOverall (m_iTrialOverall) ticked up one inappropriately between blocks. See CImpulsiveChoiceTask::NextTrial(). version number not yet changed - 15 Nov 2004: rnc_random_shuffle random number generator changed 2.7 (6 Mar 2007) - more generic #include system and SDK interface 2.8 (29 Oct 2007) - Textual fix in delay/probability entry dialogue 2.9 (13 June 2008) - ImpulsiveChoice_AntiqueLevers.exe version; see help. 3.0 (12 Jan 2009) - Server default changed from "loopback" to "localhost" (Windows Vista compatibility and more general standardization). 3.1 (22 Feb 2009-26 Apr 2009) - Prototype task for moving from VC6 to VS2008. * Use , not * Then add using namespace std; after the #include (or ofstream, endl etc. all need std:: prefixes) * open() has only two parameters now, e.g. open("abc", ios_base::out); * The rest of the problems were in XMLParamIO. Iterators used to be pointers (VC6), and now they're structs (VC9). See in particular thread from benjamino beginning 19 Aug 2003 at * Tried Boost Property Tree: ... with bugfix by ... however, it's not quite correct, and it's not supported properly. So let's use Boost Serialization with its XML option. ... it's *very* nice, but it would break old stuff (which for e.g. MonkeyCantab is complicated). So we are back to fixing the XML ParamIO library. Fixed (after some effort!). Make sure the correct debug v. release version is linked (or it crashes). * Include/library directories as specified in EnvironmentVariablesForWhisker.txt * Minor int/unsigned int warning fixed. * Explicit string casts for some of property_tree usage. * Add to various library directories: mfc42.lib mfc42d.lib mfcs42.lib mfcs42d.lib msvcirt.lib msvcirtd.lib * remove linked library for XMLParamIO * changes made to WhiskerClientLib * Mersenne Twister changed to Boost libraries (though also using a Mersenne Twister internally).