SameOpposite - version_tracker.txt ---------------------------- Version numbers are stored in: (1) .iss file (influences setup display, Control Panel) (2) .rc file (About box) (3) g_strVersion (4) .hm3 (Help) (5) web site whatsnew.shtml Version history: 0.1 - initial development, 3-7 July 2007 THINGS TO DO ------------ Version 1.0 (5 Dec 2008) ================================ - status message had a semicolon; lack of quotes in ReportStatus() (in the clientlib) generated an error. - traylight goes off except when subject required to collect food (PHASE_PLEASE_EAT). Off during timeouts. Version 2.0 (12 Jan 2009) ================================ - Server default changed from "loopback" to "localhost" (Windows Vista compatibility and more general standardization). Version 2.1 (25 Mar 2009) ================================ - Define which holes of a 9-hole box are to be used (m_iHolesToUse). Shift to HOLE_0 - HOLE_8 and STIMLIGHT_0 - STIMLIGHT_8, but this was wrong, so... Version 2.2 (1 May 2009) ================================ - Names become NHB_HOLE-0 - NHB_HOLE_8 and NHB_STIMLIGHT_0 to NHB_STIMLIGHT_8, with "NHB_" for "nine-hole box", so this task can more happily coexist with ones that assume a five-hole box. - Since Boost doesn't work with VC6, we need to upgrade this to VS2008 as well (since the Whisker client library now uses Boost). Done.